Exoplanets & Planetary Science

Dynamical Origins of Short-Period Giants



Since the discovery of 51 Pegasi b in 1995, exoplanet scientists have been puzzled by the existence of gas giants on close-in orbits known as hot Jupiters. Various observational properties can be used to constrain their origins, such as their system architectures, and eccentricity and stellar obliquity distributions. Dedicated observational campagins over the past two decades have revealed that hot Jupiters are often isolated, lacking nearby planetary companions, and have large eccentricities and spin-orbit misalignments consistent with high-eccentricity migration triggered by violent dynamical evolution. However, a growing sample of hot Jupiters have been discovered to host nearby companions on low-mutual inclination and aligned orbits, suggesting that they have arrived at their current orbits via more quiescent mechanisms such as migration through the protoplanetary disk or perhaps in situ formation.

Curiously, the population of wider-orbiting counterparts to hot Jupiters, known as warm Jupiters, appear to have properties consistent with quiescent origins, and their somewhat less massive counterparts, known as hot sub-Saturns, may have properties intermediate to hot and warm Jupiters. In this context, my PhD dissertation research aims to investigate the origins of short-period giant planets through a combination of observational and numerical studies, which are detailed below.

Stellar Obliquity Measurements Via The Rossiter-McLaughlin Effect

Stellar obliquity, or the angle between the stellar spin axis and the orbit normal axis of its planet(s), is a unqiue and informative indicator of a system's dynamical history. Despite decades of effort, it remains unclear whether the primary mechanism driving spin-orbit misalignment is a universal process that takes place during formation with the protoplanetary disk present or an evolution-specific process that occurs in post-disk phase, perhaps due to the violent dynamics inherent to high-eccentricty migration. In the latter case, misalignment may largely be confined hot Jupiters and hot Saturns. Compact multi-planet systems offer a unique opportunity to differentiate between these competing hypotheses, as their tightly-packed configurations preclude violent dynamical histories, including high-eccentricity migration, allowing them to trace the primordial disk plane.

The Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect (Holt 1893, Rossiter 1924, McLaughlin 1924), which takes advantage of the time-resolved spectral distortion from an actively transiting or eclipsing body, presents a reliable method to determine a system's projected spin-orbit angle. With additional information on the stellar inclination, the true 3D stellar obliquity can be derived as well.

TOI-5143 (Radzom et al. 2024b, in prep.)

Our NEID RM measurements of TOI-5126 and TOI-5398.

TOI-5143 is a hot Jupiter in a compact multi-planet system recently discovered by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission and confirmed by Quinn et al., in prep., and is only the third of such systems to have its stellar obliquity measured. We employ Bayesian Inference and the Doppler Shadow technique to measure its stellar obliquity via the RM effect, finding it is well-aligned. Our result continues the trend of alignemnt seen in previous spin-orbit measurements for other hot Jupiters with nearby companions (e.g., WASP-47 b and WASP-84 b), as well as the current census of RM measurements for compact multi-planet systems. This reinforces the hypothesis that planetary systems are largely primordially aligned, with misalignments being acquired in the post-disk phase due to dynamical evolution. Further, our measurement demonstrates that some hot Jupiters must have quiescent origins, having avoided achieving the large eccentricities that would have otherwise destroyed their companions and/or excited their obliquities during their path to their close-in orbits.

TOI-5126 and TOI-5398 (Radzom et al. 2024 AJ 168 116)

Our NEID RM measurements of TOI-5126 and TOI-5398.

Sub-Saturns, with masses intermediate of Neptune and Jupiter, represent an interesting population to study both the origins of giant planets and the mechanisms driving misalignment. Using the radial velocity anomaly of the RM effect, we measured the stellar obliquity for two close-in sub-Saturns in compact multiple-transiting systems: TOI-5126 b and TOI-5398 b. Both are spin-orbit aligned, joining a fast-growing group of just three other compact sub-Saturn systems, all of which exhibit spin-orbit alignment. Our obliquity measurements allow the first statistical analyses to be run on the stellar obliquities of close-in sub-Saturns, and we perform a random shuffling procedure to verify that the preferential alignment of compact sub-Saturns is statistically significant (to 2.6σ). Our results strongly suggest that sub-Saturn systems are primordially aligned and become misaligned largely in the post-disk phase, as appears to be the case increasingly for other exoplanet populations.

N-body Simulations of Short-Period Giant Systems

In light of recent companion searches that have revealed a number of hot Jupiters with nearby companions (e.g., WASP-47 b; Becker et al. 2015, Kepler-730 b; Canas et al. 2019, TOI-1130 c; Huang et al. 2020, WASP-148 b; Hebrard et al. 2020, TOI-2494 b, TOI-5143 c; Quinn et al., in prep., WASP-132 b; Hord et al. 2022) and TTV signal searches (Wu et al. 2023), it is plausible that hot Jupiters in compact configurations are more common than we thought.

Period ratio vs. Period

To this end, I am leading a project to test the viability of quiescent formation pathways to produce hot Jupiters, such as disk migration and in situ formation, using N-body simulations. In this work, we study and describe the dynamical evolution of compact multi-planet systems containing a close-in gas giants at a range of orbital periods. We find that quiescent formation pathways for such giants naturally reproduces several known observational properties, including the higher nearby companion rate for warm Jupiters compared to hot Jupiters. This is illustrated qualiatively in the figure on the right, which shows the period ratios of our simulated Jupiters with their nearest low-mass companion after 10 Myr of dynamical evolution, where we see that hot giants are much more isolated than warm giants. Based on resultant orbital architectures, we posit that a large fraction of these companions to hot Jupiters are too distant and/or exhibit too high of mutual inclinations to be detected efficiently, causing hot Jupiters to appear more lonely than they truly are. Our paper (Radzom et al.) has been submitted to ApJ.

THUNDER: A Titan orbiter mission concept for NASA's New Frontiers program

As part of NASA's 2023 Planetary Science Summer School (PSSS), I co-developed THUNDER (Titan's Hydrocarbons: Unveiling New Dimensions of Evolutionary pRocesses), a New-Frontiers-class orbiter mission concept to Saturn's largest moon, Titan. As Science Objective Lead, I took charge of one of the mission's three science objectives: To determine whether Titan's major liquid hydrocarbon bodies are connected and exchanging material with each other through a subsurface reservoir. I also acted as Deputy PI and Science Chair on the concept.

Galaxy Evolution & AGN

X-ray Sources in the SSA22 Field


Image Credit: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab

Supermassive black holes lie at the center of most galaxies, and many actively accrete matter to become Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). Due to the presence of surrounding gas, optical campaigns to detect AGNs are biased to unobscured, or broad-line AGNs (BLAGNs). Observations in the X-ray (2-8 keV) with Chandra's ACIS instrument can rectify this and provide an unbiased probe of these objects, thanks to the high column density-penetrating nature of hard X-rays. Combined with tools like the luminosity function, astronomers have learned that AGNs are a strongly evolving population that have been active much more recently in cosmic history than was previously thought. Further, obscured or non-BLAGNs tend to make up the faint end of the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) while BLAGNs dominate the bright end at higher redshift.

The focus of my undergraduate astronomy research was investigating the differential evolution of these two AGN types with newly obtained high-resolution spectroscopy from the Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph on Keck. I led a project with collaborators Anthony J. Taylor and Dr. Amy Barger to combine these spectra with existing X-ray and optical photometry in the Hawaii Survey Field SSA22, which is one of the deepest and most well-studied Chandra fields (thanks to the famous protocluster at z=3.09). In total, we bring the completeness of the field to 62% by updating spectroscopic redshifts for nearly half of the available X-ray sources, and derive optical classifications for most from our data (these are roughly encoded in the luminosity distribution on the left).

After applying an incompleteness correction and computing photometric redshifts for objects without redshifts, we constructed the XLF in three redshift intervals for ~160 AGN candidates in the field across z=0-4 (see figure below). We found good agreement with previous works, with the XLF shifting the higher X-ray luminosity with increasing redshift. Additionally, we remove all candidate members of the z=3.09 galactic protocluster and reconstruct the XLF to demonstrate that this overdensity did not significantly affect our result. We also use our classifications to study the XLF for BLAGNs and non-BLAGNs separately, which reveals that the unobscured BLAGNs become increasingly important at higher redshift, peaking in number density near z=2. As a consequence of this, the faint-end slope of our AGN XLF flattens with redshift. While we find that both BLAGNs and non-BLAGNs evolve in luminosity and density with increasing redshift, non-BLAGNs exhibit the strongest evolution and peak in number density near z=1. The XLF of these obscured AGNs tend to have a lower break luminosity and higher normalization across z=1-4. This work (Radzom et al. 2022) was published in ApJ in November 2022 (doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac9bfe).

The XLF of AGNs (black squares) plotted against comparable results from Aird et al. (2015; A15).
The XLF of BLAGNs (purple triangles) and non-BLAGNs (green circles) plotted against our full AGN XLF results (black squares).