
See my CV for the most complete and up-to-date list of publications (my ORCID ID is 0000-0002-0015-382X).

First-Author Refereed Works

  1. Brandon T. Radzom, Songhu Wang, Bonan Pu, Malena Rice, Dong-Hong Wu 2024. Post-disk Evolution of Short-Period Gas Giants in Compact Multi-planet Systems: A Mechanism to Produce the Observed Companionship Dichotomy, submitted to ApJ
  2. Brandon T. Radzom, Jiayin Dong, Malena Rice, Xian-Yu Wang, Samuel W. Yee, Tyler R. Fairnington, Cristobal Petrovich, Songhu Wang 2024. Evidence for Primordial Alignment: Insights from Stellar Obliquity Measurements for Compact Sub-Saturn Systems, AJ 168 116, doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ad61d8
  3. Brandon T. Radzom, Anthony J. Taylor, Amy J. Barger, Lennox L. Cowie 2022. X-ray Sources in the Chandra Field SSA22, ApJ 940 114, doi:10.3847/1538-4357/ac9bfe

Co-Author Refereed Works

  1. Cassandra Seltzer, Rudi Lien, Brandon T. Radzom, et al. 2024. THUNDER: A Titan orbiter mission concept for the New Frontiers program, submitted to PSJ
  2. Jack Lubin, Xian-Yu Wang, Malena Rice, Jiayin Dong, Songhu Wang, Brandon T. Radzom, et al. 2023. TOI-1670 c, a 40 day Orbital Period Warm Jupiter in a Compact System, Is Well Aligned, ApJL, 959 L5
  3. Xian-Yu Wang, Malena Rice, Songhu Wang, Bonan Pu, Gudmundur Stefánsson, Suvrath Mahadevan, Brandon T. Radzom, et al. 2022. The Aligned Orbit of WASP-148 b, the Only Known Hot Jupiter with a Nearby Warm Jupiter Companion, from NEID and HIRES, ApJL, 926 L8


  1. “Evidence for Primordial Alignment: Insights from Stellar Obliquity Measurements for Compact Giant Systems” Emerging Researchers in Exoplanets IX, Cornell University
  2. “Post-formation Dynamics: A Mechanism to Explain the Companionship Properties of Hot and Warm Jupiters” Great Lakes Exoplanet Area Meeting 2023, Indiana University
  3. “Measuring Stellar Obliquities To Constrain the Origins of Exoplanets” Fall 2023 WIYN Board Meeting, Virtual
  4. “Post-disk Dynamical Evolution: A Mechanism to Explain the Companionship Dichotomy Between Hot Jupiters and Warm Jupiters” Division on Dynamical Astronomy Meeting #54, Michigan State University
  5. “In Situ Origins of Hot Jupiter Isolation” Great Lakes Exoplanet Area Meeting 2022, Ohio State University
  6. “The X-ray Luminosity Function of Optically Narrow and Broad-line AGNs Out To 𝑧 ∼ 4” Fall 2020 Astronomy Lunch Talk, Indiana University Talk Series


  1. Brandon T. Radzom et al. “Evidence for Primordial Alignment: Insights from Stellar Obliquity Measurements for Compact TESS Systems”, 2024, TESS Science Conference 3, 10.5281/zenodo.13117605
  2. Cassandra Seltzer, Rudi Lein, Brandon T. Radzom et al. “THUNDER: A New Frontiers-class Titan orbiter mission concept from the NASA JPL Planetary Science Summer School”, 2024, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Poster #2529
  3. Brandon T. Radzom, Songhu Wang, and Bonan Pu. “In Situ Origins of Hot Jupiters”, 2022, Emerging Researchers in Exoplanet Science VII, 10.5281/zenodo.6944743
  4. Brandon T. Radzom, Amy J. Barger, and Anthony J. Taylor. “Characterizing AGN Activity in the SSA22 Field”, 2020, American Astronomical Society Meeting #236, id.137.03
  5. Minho Kwon, Christopher Young, Matthew Ebert, Sebastian Malewicz, Brandon T. Radzom et al. “Progress toward entanglement of atomic ensemble quibits via Rydberg blockade”, 2018, International Conference on Atomic Physics